• WATCH first, check out the setup and setting. The musicians and club welcome new jammers. Everyone is there to have fun and to serve the music. Mistakes are part of the process.

  • CALL YOUR OWN TUNE that you know YOU CAN PLAY .. in your chosen key e.g. for singing or playing the melody or soloing over. It’s handy to have some familiarity with common jam tunes like Blue Bossa, All of Me, Autumn Leaves .. or some of the Jazz-Blues standards.

  • YOU DON’T HAVE TO SOLO … solo when and as you are ready … accompany if you are playing a chordal instrument. Join in just playing chords where you can … or add a vocal only .. or play the melody only on your instrument.

  • BRING NOTES or a Lead Sheet if you want or need to in order to play the Melody/Head section of your chosen tune. Note Readers and sight-readers welcome.

  • BRING CHARTS for any tunes you want to play (4 or 5 copies) or identify the tune and key and use chord chart apps like iRealPro.

  • TALK through the form of the song with the band before counting it off … the tempo that is good for you … the style (swing, bossa etc) .. if there will be an intro. Discuss who will play the head and or first solo chorus.

  • SHARE .. on a typical 12 or 16 bar tune, a solo will usually be 2 choruses of that form. That way everyone gets a chance to play. On a longer 32 bar form a single chorus would be appropriate.

  • Mistakes are part of the game. Everyone loses their place at some point, everyone makes mistakes. Getting back in to the tune is the key, even if it means at the start of the next verse.

See you at the Jam !!

Jam tune charts

For Educational purposes … 14 Jam tune charts in C, Bb and Eb.